Private Music Lesson - After we receive your payment and the student information form we are able to schedule a lesson by selecting the best suited music teacher. The selected teacher will contact you as soon as possible to schedule the lesson based on your availability and their availability throughout the week. Please contact us if there are any scheduling conflicts with our teachers. 

Teachers, as well as students, are responsible to be on time for the scheduled lesson. If teachers are late for any reason they are responsible to make up that amount of time. If students are late, teachers are not required to make up that amount of time. 

Please be aware that it is against our policy for teachers to teach our students outside of QMA. Siphoning off our students greatly hurts our business, and the QMA community. A violation of that policy will result in the teacher’s immediate termination. Please do not negotiate with our wonderful teachers to break our long wonderful relationship. Thank you!



Student - If a student is not able to attend the scheduled lesson, unless 24 hours notice is given, the lesson will be charged at normal rate. The parent/guardian must contact their child's teacher directly to reschedule the (“make up”) lesson. However in the case of an emergency, sickness or weather condition which prevents the student from attending the lesson within 24 hours, we are able to provide a make up lesson without charge. For camp or music classes, there are not refunds after the first camp day or music class. 


Teacher - In the event of a teacher’s absence, the teacher is responsible to contact the student directly in advance (except in the case of an emergency) and arrange for a make-up lesson at a future date. Please contact us if there are any issues regarding an unexpected absence. We may be able to find a temporary substitute teacher for the lesson but it’s not guaranteed. 



Trial Lesson Package - The three trial lessons booked are expected to be taught within couple weeks. You can try more than one lesson per week. Four lesson auto recurring payment will set up, you wish to continue after the trials, the teacher will book a lesson. Please remember that the teacher can’t book any lessons if there is no money. That is why you need notify us if the teacher books a lesson without your permission so that we can stop setting up the autopay option. Also if you prefer to pay with 10 or more lessons in one check or using online transfer, please see below.


One Lesson Package - Every one lesson booked is taught within the one week of purchase. However, with few a exemptions you may be able to receive an addition week to reschedule the lesson. 


Four Lesson Package - The four lessons booked are expected to be taught within the month of purchase. However, you’ll have an additional month to reschedule and complete all four lessons.


Ten Lesson Package - The ten lessons book are expected to be taught within 3 months of purchase. However, you’ll have an additional 2 months to reschedule and complete all ten lessons.




Packages - Payment for the lesson packages are due before the first lesson scheduled. 


Camp Appointments - Payment for camp appointments are due before the first camp day scheduled. 




Cash - We do not accept cash as a payment option. 


Checks - Checks can be dropped off in our schools mailbox. Please email us at when you’ve dropped off the check. 


Direct - Direct payments can be made using Chase Quick Pay, Venmo, or PayPal to our director at Please make sure you indicate what the payment is for using any of these payment platforms. After you pay, make sure to take a screenshot of the receipt and send it to



Checks - Please keep us updated if there are any reasons why a check payment can not be made before the first lesson package purchased. 


Declined Credit or Debit Card - You will be notified via text, call or email if the card saved on our system reads “declined”. After receiving our notification you’ll receive up to two weeks to resolve this transition on your end or a $25 late payment fee will apply.